Our Uzbekistan Adoption Journey

Saturday, December 29, 2007


This year's Christmas was almost as much of an emotional roller coaster as the last year has been! We had wonderful times of visiting with our large extended families and our church family. It was so nice to hear lots of encouraging words about our adoption and to have people talk about Myli as if she will be here soon. My aunt from out of state probably didn't realize how much it meant to me (unless she saw the tears in my eyes) when she handed me a wrapped gift bearing Myli's name - "For when she comes home." On one hand, it was a nice distraction with all the busyness and fun, but I was a little caught off guard at how bittersweet it was to wrap the kids' presents while having to put Myli's back up in the attic. Then on Christmas morning, I couldn't shake the image I had in my mind of all 4 of my children opening gifts together. I truly felt like someone was missing. But it helped that the children were thrilled with their gifts even though we tried to keep it pretty simple this year.

Before Christmas, the kids had a lot of activities. We had a beautiful Christmas program at church. I wish I'd got some good pictures, but it was too dark. This is Woogie all ready for Polar Express Day at school. She got to wear her jammies, take a stuffed animal, and drink hot chocolate. She was so excited that she was dressed, ready, and in her coat a full 45 minutes before the bus came!

It was funny (and exhausting!) this year, the kids started their campaign to open gifts at 3 AM! We managed to hold them off until 6, but there wasn't much sleeping going on! They were so excited! The pictures are not the best - I'm not a morning person! Notice the look on Woogie's face in the first 2!

It was really nice that Legoboy can help build toys this year! I think he put Meatball's together by himself while we were trying to stay awake!
I tried to tell Woogie that between her barely potty-trained brother and the puppy, we didn't need anything else in the house that peed. It's worth it (although the doll did pee on my aunt's couch...) - she loves her!

What Christmas would be complete without a drum set from the Grandparents?!

Woogie also got some new torture devices for the cat (pink princess pet outfits). I don't think the cat thought she looked as cute in them as Woogie did!
Legoboy of course received numerous lego sets for Christmas. The completed one in the picture has over 900 pieces. I think it took him about 2 hours to put together. It would take me about 2 years!

Usually when I think of Christmas and gifts, I think of the greatest gift of all - the reason we celebrate Christmas, God's son Jesus Christ (at least I try not to get distracted by the busyness!). I love to give gifts, but I don't usually think of Christmas as a time of personally receiving material things. This year was a little different, however. I look back in absolute amazement at the ways God has provided for us and for the adoption. All year we have wondered how we would pay for the adoption. Even if we could indeed pay for it, we were pretty certain it would wipe us out financially for some time. It was by faith that we trusted that everything would work out, and we were willing to give every cent we had. We had hoped the adoption tax credit next year would help us recover from the costs and fees and to get a newer van that we needed desperately (old one was 10+ years old, and falling apart quickly), but we soon realized that the adoption wouldn't be complete in time for next year's return. And now here we are at the end of the year with the adoption expenses set aside, a much newer van in the garage, and due in a large part to an unexpected Christmas present, in a similar if not even better financial situation than before we started to pay for the adoption! God used the gifts, fund raisers, a grant, and numerous other generosities of our friends, neighbors, and even strangers in a more incredible way than we could have ever imagined! We are so humbly grateful for all His gifts to us this year!


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