Our Uzbekistan Adoption Journey

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Cats and Dogs and Kids - Oh, My!

I was truly hoping to hear some good news about our adoption this weekend, but it was not to be. Sadly, the progress we have been expecting has not happened yet. In the meantime, we had a busy weekend to keep us occupied.

On Friday, Woogie had show and tell. This is the second time I have brought a cat into school at her insistence (aka begging!). This year, Lovebug was the lucky cat. She is one of the kittens we acquired last summer. Scott had started feeding a stray cat that looked remarkably like our cat, Moses. I tried to dissuade him, reminding him that we already had 2 cats and really couldn't have anymore, but nonetheless, she showed up at least daily in the beginning looking for food. We started calling her P.K. for porch kitty because I was determined that's all she would become! Soon we realized that this cat had a voracious appetite, returning more times a day to be fed. Then we noticed her belly growing a bit, and then that her nipples were pink and prominent - Oh shoot! P.K. also stood for Pregnant Kitty! So we took her to the vet, moved her into the garage, and waited for the coming kittens. I was worried about how we were going to find homes for them, but at the same time, I was a little excited for the kids to experience the birth and early weeks of kittens. It was a neat experience, but it took us a lot longer to find homes for them than I hoped for, and then we ended up stuck with one kitten and the mom. That kitten actually went home with someone and came back a couple days later because she wouldn't stop crying! I was shocked since we had not had a single problem with that cat - she was so laid back and easy going - we affectionately called her Lovebug (all the kittens had generic-let's-not-get-attached names). I guess in the end, I'm glad we had one left. The kids had a difficult time seeing their favorites leave. It was hard for mom and dad too! Woogie still gets emotional about her favorite, Speedy.

This is where Lovebug sleeps, on Woogie's pillow - willingly!

Here are some pictures of the kittens with their mom.

So anyway, I went to show and tell with Meatball and a cat carrier that was awkward enough to carry, but then I realized the pin that held it shut was missing! The actual show and tell went pretty well, so then I gathered up Meatball, Woogie, and Legoboy, and and all of their school stuff and we went to check out in the office. I decided to ask the secretary about enrolling Myli if she's not a U.S. citizen when she first starts school. So I'm holding a broken cat carrier with a less than happy cat inside against my leg at an angle to keep her inside, trying to keep Meatball out of the pencils and volunteer buttons, and the older 2 are looking at me with that "come on Mom, these backpacks are getting really heavy" look. After I finished talking to the secretary, we had to make a train to keep safe in the incredibly busy after school parking lot and negotiated all of us to the van. I can only imagine the conversation that went on in the office about the crazy lady who was going to add another child to that spectacle!

Woogie had Sleep Over Sisters at church that night and Legoboy had a birthday party. It was funny when I picked Woogie up the next morning, I pulled into he parking lot and there was a little girl walking toward our van. Meatball called from the backseat, "Don't hit that girl, Mom!" "Ok, Sweetie!" I replied as we made our way around her (good thing he's around! LOL!). After we had gone past her, Meatball said very sincerely, "GOOD JOB, MOM!!" as if I had accomplished something quite spectacular!

On Sunday after church we went bowling. I told Scott we have to get a digital video camera so I can post Woogie bowling on here! Her approach is absolutely hysterical! She runs up with the ball, stops and throws it. My description doesn't do it justice! I just laughed the whole time!

Yesterday, the kids were off school for MLK day. In the morning before Legoboy left to go to Laser Quest with a friend, they were all sitting on the couch watching TV. They inevitably got into the classic argument - He/She Took My Spot! I, of course, responded with the I-don't see-your-name-engraved-on-that-spot line my mom always used. A little later, Meatball was complaining (whining, actually) that someone took his blanket that had his name "enraved on it!" My kids crack me up! But yet, I was a little glad school was back in session today!

I've neglected to mention the middle part of the title - the dog. She is still constantly into things. In fact while I'm writing this, she got a hold of a half dozen waffles I was waiting to cool so I could freeze them. They're gone now. Last week when I went to the neighborhood tea, I made 2 pepperoni and olive loaves. I put one in the oven, but the other wouldn't fit at the same time. Silly me left the other on a cookie sheet on top of the oven while I went downstairs to throw in a load of laundry. When I came back up, I was confused for a minute. Did I put that other loaf in the oven after all? Did I put it in the fridge? No! All that was left was a little bit of cheese sprinkled on the cookie sheet!!! But she and Meatball are fast friends so I guess we'll continue to put up with her. As you see she has grown quite a bit since we got a cute little puppy just a little over 4 months ago! Scott calls her Puppy-osaurus! (Notice Meatball's spaghetti face! No wonder Jada likes him!)


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