Our Uzbekistan Adoption Journey

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Anniversary, etc.

It's hard to believe that today's our 12 year wedding anniversary. I guess looking at our out-of- style wedding pictures should help me believe that it's been that long! We took Scott to the airport for a business trip earlier today, and I already miss him! It's going to be a long week! The kids are keeping me busy, though. They've already been out of school for a week. It's been so much fun! We got a membership at the pool down the road so that should help pass the time. We went with the cousins on Fri. and Legoboy and I ended up some sunburn. Hopefully, they'll have cooled enough to go back tomorrow. We're going to have to reapply the sunscreen every 10 minutes! Of course for a while now, I've been picturing that Myli would be going to the pool with us by now. I so hope she gets here this summer to enjoy it with us! When we go, there's usually 4 boys and Woogie. The boys pair up by age, and Woogie has to find a buddy for the day! I can't wait until she has a sister!

We also got our bathroom up and running! There's a few little details that still need done, but for the most part, it's totally usable and beautiful! I love getting things finished! Maybe while Scott's gone, I'll get Myli's blanket done too.

Oh, and we finally got a new camera! Scott took it with him on his business trip, but I managed to get some pictures of the kittens before he left (but not the bathroom!). Aren't they cute?!


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