Well, I have an update of sorts, but it has nothing to do with our adoption! I'm sure almost everybody who reads this is probably familiar with our cat story. We were once a normal 2 cat household - one boy (neutered) and one female (spayed). Then, last summer Scott started feeding a hungry stray cat (I called her P.K. for Porch Kitty because I was bound and determined that was ALL she was going to be). When we noticed her belly growing and her incredible appetite, we realized she was pregnant. So Pregnant Kitty took up residence in our garage (after a vet visit to make sure she was free of disease and to confirm that our suspicion was correct). She gave birth to 4 cute kittens that we desperately tried to find homes for. In the end, we ended up keeping one kitten and P.K.
While we were not thrilled to now have 4 cats, and our female cat was REALLY not thrilled by our new additions, our daughter is absolutely in love with the kitten whom we call Lovebug and enjoys dressing her up in flowered collars, pink princess clothes, and hats. One item of business was getting the 2 new cats spayed, but we were told we would have to wait a good 6 months until after the mom stopped nursing to be able to do that. Wouldn't you believe I was just ready to start the process of surgery for everyone (including our female monster puppy)?!
I started noticing a few weeks ago that P.K.'s belly is getting rather large. Of course, she hasn't been out and the only boy cat in the house has been neutered for some time, so I reasoned it must be too little exercise and too much food (she's not the only one around here with that problem!). I even mentioned to Scott that she looked pregnant, but of course she COULDN'T be we agreed. Until I came home from church tonight, and Scott said, "Lovebug is a girl, isn't she?" I ran straight downstairs to look at that cat. It was very difficult given that "she" is an extremely fluffy cat, but I felt something. I asked Scott to look. He said, "No that's a girl." I said "Feel this!" We just looked at each other! Suddenly everything made sense - and not in a good way! We thought the 2 of them acted kind of funny together being mother and daughter and all, but neither one of us gave it much thought. I told Scott if he hadn't said that, very soon we would have found a pile of kittens and been totally stunned! I'd have been thinking immaculate conception or I'd have been going back to yell at that vet that neutered our male cat long ago! THIS would NEVER have occurred to me! I've even had this kitten to the vet, and no one ever corrected me when I told them she was a female. I even think I remember it being confirmed that "Yep, this one's a girl!"
I have never laughed so hard in my life! Don't get me wrong - this is not what we wanted!!!!!! Not by a long shot!!!! I just made a comment on another blog that I think I am done with new animals for a long time! But this just completely cracked me up (I laugh during really stressful situations - it's how I cope!)! This whole situation is completely ridiculous! We don't even want to tell our families, because they are going to think we are completely crazy! We aren't telling the kids either as we are very much considering making some inquiries at some cat rescue organizations tomorrow. But Woogie is upset that Lovebug is not a girl. She really wants her to be a girl. I keep telling her it's still her same cat that loves her. I don't think she's satisfied with that. I guess it will take a while to get used to this. And Legoboy just wants to know why mommy can't stop laughing...
While we were not thrilled to now have 4 cats, and our female cat was REALLY not thrilled by our new additions, our daughter is absolutely in love with the kitten whom we call Lovebug and enjoys dressing her up in flowered collars, pink princess clothes, and hats. One item of business was getting the 2 new cats spayed, but we were told we would have to wait a good 6 months until after the mom stopped nursing to be able to do that. Wouldn't you believe I was just ready to start the process of surgery for everyone (including our female monster puppy)?!
I started noticing a few weeks ago that P.K.'s belly is getting rather large. Of course, she hasn't been out and the only boy cat in the house has been neutered for some time, so I reasoned it must be too little exercise and too much food (she's not the only one around here with that problem!). I even mentioned to Scott that she looked pregnant, but of course she COULDN'T be we agreed. Until I came home from church tonight, and Scott said, "Lovebug is a girl, isn't she?" I ran straight downstairs to look at that cat. It was very difficult given that "she" is an extremely fluffy cat, but I felt something. I asked Scott to look. He said, "No that's a girl." I said "Feel this!" We just looked at each other! Suddenly everything made sense - and not in a good way! We thought the 2 of them acted kind of funny together being mother and daughter and all, but neither one of us gave it much thought. I told Scott if he hadn't said that, very soon we would have found a pile of kittens and been totally stunned! I'd have been thinking immaculate conception or I'd have been going back to yell at that vet that neutered our male cat long ago! THIS would NEVER have occurred to me! I've even had this kitten to the vet, and no one ever corrected me when I told them she was a female. I even think I remember it being confirmed that "Yep, this one's a girl!"
I have never laughed so hard in my life! Don't get me wrong - this is not what we wanted!!!!!! Not by a long shot!!!! I just made a comment on another blog that I think I am done with new animals for a long time! But this just completely cracked me up (I laugh during really stressful situations - it's how I cope!)! This whole situation is completely ridiculous! We don't even want to tell our families, because they are going to think we are completely crazy! We aren't telling the kids either as we are very much considering making some inquiries at some cat rescue organizations tomorrow. But Woogie is upset that Lovebug is not a girl. She really wants her to be a girl. I keep telling her it's still her same cat that loves her. I don't think she's satisfied with that. I guess it will take a while to get used to this. And Legoboy just wants to know why mommy can't stop laughing...
This is a very funny story.....LOL....I found a cat last summer and almost the same exact thing happend to us. Female cat, got pregnant before we could get her fixed, four kittens. although we gave all four away. BUT.......our vet told us to have her fixed immediately because a female cat will get pregnant as soon as she stops nursing and so we brought her in when the kittens were six weeks old. There were already male cats prowling around our house waiting.......and we didn't want more kittens. I can't believe your vet told you that you had to wait that long to have her fixed.
Tammie, At
April 24, 2008 at 12:10 PM
Oh and our kitty is named A.J. LOL.
Tammie, At
April 24, 2008 at 12:11 PM
Yeah, we were told it could really be bad if the milk ducts were cut during the surgery. Infection, etc...
What does A.J. stand for? If we end up keeping P.K., we may have to change her name to F.M. for Fertile Myrtle! LOL! I don't think Lovebug suits a boy all that well. We'll have to think about that... Maybe Oedipus Rex? LOL!
Jennifer, At
April 24, 2008 at 12:23 PM
Ok Jennifer let me be the first to give you a kitty anatomy lession..... if they've got pompoms they're boys.... if not, they're girls. This was explained to me by my 5 year old niece last summer when I mistakenly called one of my dad's cats "her". And, trust me cats multiply very quickly, we have a farm and couldn't even catch the wild cats with livetraps to get them fixed, now I'm the proud owner of at least 16 and I have a feeling that that number is about to explode in the next month or two.....
Dani, At
April 24, 2008 at 3:14 PM
Thanks for the laugh! I love your stories. I can't imagine. We are not a cat family, so we should never have that problem.
Nichole, At
April 24, 2008 at 9:15 PM
Jennifer, I really had to laugh - and I absolutly feel for you. I hope you will find a satisfying solution for all of you.
Our cat Leo is still made at us, but at least he is coming home at night and stays till the morning. Whe he hears Dusty first litle bark he is gone for the rest of the day. Hope that will get better soon :)
Good Luck with your kitty household :)
Ute, At
April 25, 2008 at 1:06 AM
I understand the mistake! We had my cat, Jasmin, for over a year before finding out she was a 'he'. We renamed him "Jazz-Man" and loved him until he died.
Unknown, At
April 25, 2008 at 1:46 PM
It's good to know that we're not the only ones who have made this mistake, Becca! I was telling a friend from church about this, and she said one time they had a cat that they thought was a boy (you'd think this might be a little harder to mistake, but who knows!). They never noticed anything different until one day, she came upon the cat with 2 kittens. She told me she said, "Mom, I don't think Bob is a boy." Isn't that funny?!
Jennifer, At
April 25, 2008 at 3:46 PM
We named her A.J. cause she look exactly like my husband's cat that died a couple of year's ago. HIS name was Ace. So, we named HER Ace, Jr. (A.J.) We actually have a puppy named Jonah that's a girl.....i named her Jonah cause I thought I bought a boy puppy and didn't find out it was a girl till I took it to the vet and they informed me it was a female. In my defense she was VERY small, small enough to fit in my hand so i just couldn't tell and they guy i bought her from told me it was a male. LOL.
Tammie, At
April 28, 2008 at 6:26 PM
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