Our Uzbekistan Adoption Journey

Monday, March 31, 2008

Our House

Well, I guess we're posting house pictures :-) Here are some of the ones of the house along with the apple tree and neighborhood that I took last spring for our dossier. I've already posted a picture of Myli and Woogie's room. Some things have changed. The boys beds are bunked and the train table is in their room now. I got tired of my decor in the kitchen and took everything off the cabinets. I actually hung up some of the pictures in the family room, so now there not piled on that table, well not all of them anyway! Can't wait to see the pink trees again this spring! It can't be long...

Thursday, March 27, 2008

And Then, The Sun Came Out!

Well, I think spring may have finally arrived to our part of the world! It's not terribly warm, but all of the snow has finally melted. There was this one stubborn patch where I shoveled the driveway that just wouldn't melt, but it's finally gone!

And with the sun, came good adoption news! Things are looking better and better for Scott to be traveling soon to bring Myli home. It could be as soon as next month! I'm still afraid to get too excited, but my mind keeps thinking of all I need to do before he leaves. Life is busy right now with starting VBS planning and extra church responsibilities. I also have a childbirth class starting in just a few weeks. But it's good to keep my mind occupied. I was going completely crazy waiting for our update the last month! I'm also starting to do the - can't plan ahead, play everything by ear, because Scott may be traveling soon, and we might have Myli home by then - thing again which also drives me completely crazy! Oh well, at least we have a new time frame to look forward to. Could this really be it? Do I see that light getting a little brighter at the end of the tunnel?

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Oh, The Weather Outside is Frightful...

And since we can't go anywhere, I shoveled and took pictures! Actually, the sun came out and the wind stopped, so it's quite pretty out now! Our road still hasn't been plowed, but a neighbor drove up and down it in a truck with snow chains, so there's a little path down the middle now.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Wacky Weather!

Lately, our weather more ups and downs than an international adoption! LOL! Ok, maybe not quite...

The sun came out Monday, it was close to 60 degrees! Thank goodness it melted all that snow... I really needed some sun! I've felt so much more like my normal self this week. I even got on a really good cleaning schedule! So much more energy!!!

Then we had a freezing rain storm on Tuesday. The roads must have been salted really well, because we still managed to get out to a cousin play date. But it was incredible to see everything just coated in ice! Every line in our siding had rows of icicles! All the road signs, trees, electric lines - EVERYTHING was coated in ice! And then Thusday, it all melted as I was driving Scott and his dad to the airport. Ice was crashing down all around us. We even had a few pieces hit the van which was a little nerve wracking!

And now, while Scott is in sunny Florida, we are having pretty much a blizzard. We have already had about 10-12 inches of snow, and it's supposed to keep up until 4 AM!

Here's Scott's dad's truck where he left in Thursday. I don't know if we'll be able to see it by morning!