Our Uzbekistan Adoption Journey

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Another Good-bye

It's been a stressful week. My parents went on vacation a week and half ago, and whenever they are out of town, we dog-sit. Their dog, Amber, actually used to be our dog for about 6 years. Then we started having trouble with her and our very young kids. She had arthritis in her back, and let's just say that situation mixed with toddlers didn't end well... But we always enjoyed having her come and stay for a week or so once or twice a year. She has always been a smart, fun, and loyal dog - following me around wherever I go!

Well, this visit was different. I hardly recognized her when they brought her over. She had lost weight and if it's possible, had just shrunk in every way possible! My mom said she has been getting picky with her eating, but when she got here, things got much worse. She would hardly eat anything at all, and when she did eat, it almost always came back up. She was also having accidents in the house (which is unusual), and her stool looked very unhealthy. I was driving myself crazy trying to shop for and cook and feed her anything I could think that she might eat, not to mention cleaning up after her numerous times a day, but by last Thursday, it was very apparent that something was very wrong. I had hoped it was just being away from her home and my parents and that when they returned, she would start eating more normally. But when I took her to the vet, they confirmed what I suspected. She was very sick, and it was unlikely she would recover. But still, they said some dogs will rally for a while, so I took her home bound and determined to carefully time her anti-nausea injections with feeding her small amounts every few hours. If she wouldn't eat, I'd puree her food (or give her some kind of liquid nourishment) through a syringe. She vomited a little less, and I was a little hopeful, but by the time my parents came home Sunday night, I pretty much knew we were nearing the end.

This morning my mom took her back to the vet, and found out she had lost another pound since Friday (and trust, me she couldn't afford it!). It was evident that she wasn't going to recover, so they decided to put her to sleep, and she died quietly in my mom's arms. I was sad, but a little relieved after all she had been through last week. And I was grateful we got to spend some last time with her. The kids took it harder than I thought they would. After all, she hasn't been "our" dog in a long time. I had told them to really spend some time with her to say good-bye when my parents came to pick her up, letting them know that she was very sick and this might be the last time we saw her. They did ok with that, so I was a bit surprised by the outpouring of emotion today. Watching E.T. was a good distraction, but boy has it been an emotional week! I'm going to bed early.

Good-bye old friend. We'll miss you.

Thursday, May 22, 2008


I just heard the incredibly sad news that Steven Curtis and Mary Beth Chapman's daughter, Maria was killed last night in a horrible accident. I cannot even fathom the grief of their whole family. My heart is so broken for them. Please pray for them.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Boring Blog

I have to apologize for how boring my blog has become. Not only do I not know how to link anything or create anything cool in the sidebar, but now I don't even post pictures of my crazy kids, crazy pets, or crazy weather! Why? My camera is broken! It has been for a few months now, and it is driving me crazy!!!! I can't count how many times I have said, " I wish I had a camera right now!" We've been shopping to replace it, but aren't the quickest decision makers. If anyone has a recommendation of a good digital camera on the inexpensive side (the reason ours is broken is that it was dropped one too many times...), please let me know! In the meantime, I'll tell you what I hope to post pictures of when I have a camera again:

New kittens (of which 2 may already have a home when the time comes - YAY!)

New haircuts (not telling who!)

New bathroom (hopefully it will be finished by then...)

New blanket for Myli (hopefully that will be finished as well!)

Maybe by then there will even be some new good news about our adoption - Well, I can dream, can't I?!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

First Tag!

I can't believe it! I've been tagged! I feel like a real blogger now! Thanks, Valerie!

What I was doing 10 years ago:
Graduating from college - in fact I think it was exactly 10 years ago on the 9th. I was so happy I actually made it through and got my nursing degree!!!!
Celebrating my second wedding anniversary a month later.
Visiting friends in Florida in Aug. of that year - the first and last time I was on a plane.
Starting my first job as a nurse.
Oh, and I got pregnant with my first baby, Legoboy, at the end of 1998 :-)
What a busy year!

5 things on my to-do list today:
Well, it's after midnight, so I can put my plans for TODAY (Tues.) and not just "go to bed" which is my plan for the rest of the night! It took me since Saturday night to get this far so that's the date that's showing up!
1. Take Lovebug to the vet to get neutered (so glad I didn't try to get him spayed!)
2. Take Woogie to the dentist for a check-up
3. Go to a baby shower at church tonight.
4. VBS planning, Sleepover Sisters planning, and preparing my Sunday School lesson
5. Do laundry, dishes, make beds, straighten, vacuum, mop, clean the kitchen, prepare meals, and take care of my kids and the pets. And if I have time - crochet more squares for Myli's blanket.

I think that about covers it.

Things I would do if I were a billionaire:
I don't even know where I would start! I guess that shows you how much time I spend thinking I might ever be a billionaire :-). I would definitely tithe to our church, give money to as many worthy charities as I could find including Reece's Rainbow and the pregnancy center where I volunteer. Adopt as many kids as Scott would allow. Pay for other people to adopt children that need homes. Add on to our house to help accommodate all of our children or just buy a big farm where we could stand to have our menagerie of cats and our monster dog. Pay off our house. Let Scott do whatever job he wanted to do without worrying about salary and benefits. Go on a long road trip to see the whole U.S. with our kids. Help friends, family, and strangers. I know this isn't very creative or unique, but it's my heart!

Bad habits:
1. Reading blogs and checking my e-mail
2. Stress eating
3. Looking at photolistings of waiting children - and then telling Scott about them...
4. Staying up late at night

Places I've lived
7 different houses (or apartments) all in the same area of Ohio - Sorry, I am WAY boring!

5 jobs I've had:
1. Library Assistant
2.Nurse Tech at a hospital
3. School Nurse and Special Ed. Teaching Assistant
4. Health Dept. Nurse at a WIC Clinic
5. Now, I'm a full-time mom, Lamaze Instructor, and lactation consultant (all on a volunteer basis at the moment - of course, I don't have any hopes of ever being paid for the mom thing!)

Who would I like to tag? Well, I don't know how to link anything to my blog, so I'll just have to hope that everyone that reads this blog knows who I'm talking about!
1. Barb
2. Ute
3. Nichole
4. Melissa
5. Shari
I think Valerie already tagged Lisa.

Four Births, a Funeral, and Pictures

And that was only some of what happened today... Whew!! I'm tired!

P.K. had her kittens today. It was really cool that all of the kids got to see at least one kitten born. They didn't get to see anything last time. Sadly, one kitty (the firstborn) died soon after the last was born. It was such a cutie - light gray tiger striped. We all had a good cry and buried it in a shoebox in the front yard. My kids haven't had much experience with death, so there was a lot of talk and emotions today that have left me absolutely wiped out! The other 3 kitties seem to be doing well - there's 2 white ones and a black with white diamonds on its belly. I think they'll be really cute, so hopefully we will find them all good homes - FAST!

I also got new, much anticipated pictures of Myli today! YAY!!!!!!! I just think she gets more adorable with every picture I see of her! I can't wait to see her in person! I have no idea when that may be, but I just hope that someday I won't have to just look at pictures...

Monday, May 5, 2008

My Song For Today

Casting Crowns' Voice of Truth

Oh,what I would do to have
the kind of faith it takes
To climb out of this boat I'm in
Onto the crashing waves
To step out of my comfort zone
Into the realm of the unknown
Where Jesus is,
And he's holding out his hand

But the waves are calling out my name
and they laugh at me
Reminding me of all the times
I've tried before and failed
The giants they keep on telling me
time and time again
"Boy, you'll never win,
you'll never win."

But the voice of truth tells me a different story
the voice of truth says "do not be afraid!"
and the voice of truth says "this is for my glory"
Out of all the voices calling out to me
I will choose to listen and believe the voice of truth

Oh, what I would do
to have the kind of strength it takes
To stand before a giant
with just a sling and a stone
Surrounded by the sound
of a thousand warriors
shaking in their armor
Wishing they'd have had the strength to stand

But the giant's calling out
my name and he laughs at me
Reminding me of all the times
I've tried before and failed
The giant keeps on telling me
time and time again
"Boy you'll never win,
you'll never win."

But the voice of truth tells me a different story
the voice of truth says "do not be afraid!"
and the voice of truth says "this is for my glory"
Out of all the voices calling out to me
I will choose to listen and believe the voice of truth

but the stone was just the right size
to put the giant on the ground
and the waves they don't seem so high
from on top of them looking down
i will soar with the wings of eagles
when i stop and listen to the sound of Jesus
singing over me

But the voice of truth tells me a different story
The voice of truth says do not be afraid
And the voice of truth says this is for my glory
Out of all the voices calling out to me (calling out to me)
I will choose to listen and believe (I will choose to listen and believe)
I will choose to listen and believe the voice of truth

I will listen and believe
I will listen and believe the voice of truth
I will listen and believe
'Cause Jesus you are the voice of truth
And I will listen to you.. oh you are